Monday, July 03, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

I am not a big Al Gore fan although I may see his documentary about global warming some day. (And the fact that Christians seem to relegate environmental issues to politics is a topic for another blog another day.) But his title is great, "An Inconvenient Truth".

Jesus, also, is an inconvenient truth. God is an inconvenient truth. Because they are real and true, life can't go on as it always has. The Truth of their existence and nature requires us to change and to conform. Life would be easy if there were no god. We could do what we want, when we want, and how we want. Of course, many live that way currently.

Consider this quote by Al Gore about the movie:
"They are quite literally afraid to know the truth," Gore said. "Because if you accept the truth of what the scientific community is saying, it gives you a moral imperative to start to rein in the 70 million tons of global warming pollution that human civilization is putting into the atmosphere every day."

We can say the same about Christianity and the Bible. Many won't accept it because they are afraid of how that will change their life. The repercussions of recognizing Jesus as Lord and God as Creator are great. I am no longer in control. There is a right and wrong. I am not my own.

Good title. Thanks, Al.


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