Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Blogging the Bible on Slate.com

Here is an excerpt from the introduction to a series of blogs on the Bible. I italicized an important and fascinating sentence.

So, what can I possibly do? My goal is pretty simple. I want to find out what happens when an ignorant person actually reads the book on which his religion is based. I think I'm in the same position as many other lazy but faithful people (Christians, Jews, Moslems, Hindus). I love Judaism; I love (most of) the lessons it has taught me about how to live in the world; and yet I realized I am fundamentally ignorant about its foundation, its essential document. So, what will happen if I approach my Bible empty, unmediated by teachers or rabbis or parents? What will delight and horrify me? How will the Bible relate to the religion I practice, and the lessons I thought I learned in synagogue and Hebrew School?
He says some outlandish things. This is not a Christian teaching a Bible class on Sunday morning. It is very postmodern and from a different perspective, yet interesting and at times insightful. He may ask questions and say things that we never would because of our bias or baggage. Worth checking into.

Here is the Intro/Explanation and here is where it begins with Genesis 1.


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