Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Trivialization of God

This book has been around for 10 years and I am just now finding out about it! It's a great book, so of course, it has a great subtitle:
"The Dangerous Illusion of a Manageable Deity".

The author is Donald W. McCullough. Click here to buy or find out more.

He talks about the false gods we have such as: god of my cause, god of my understanding, god of my experience, god of my comfort, god of my success, and the god of my nation. The last one will stir up some people but I think he expresses how I feel and didn't know how to put in words.

The section on Reverent Agnosticism is great. He points out the holiness/transcendence of God, which is the overall theme of the book. We (especially Christian folk) like to think we have God all figured out and have all the answers. The author states we must be aware of God's "wholly otherness" to fully appreciate and worship Him.

Some quotes:

"...love devoid of judgment is only watered-down kindness"

"Holiness, therefore, is not a passive state of being; holiness is an active fire of salvation."

"Reverence can be recovered only in repentance."


At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've peaked my interest. What is the last one?

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Wade Tannehill said...


Sounds like a great book. The chapter titles are especially intriguing (especially the last one). I'll have to put this on my ever expanding want list. Thanks for the lead.

At 9:11 PM, Blogger Brian Nicklaus said...

hey anonymous,
sorry if I wasn't clear, by "last one", I meant the last one in the list, god of my nation.

It took me awhile to understand your question. It must be getting hazy in the blogosphere.

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since "Reverence can only be recovered in Repentance," can reverence only be found in salvation?

Just a thought...

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come Brad's blog is still ahead of mine...I mean, your sisters?



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