Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Good Book on the Trinity

Here are a couple of excerpts from Bruce Ware's book on the Trinity:

"Here in the Trinity....we see hierarchy without hubris, authority with no oppression, submission that is not servile, and love that pervades every aspect of the divine life. Unity and diversity, identity and distinction, sameness and difference, melody and harmony--these are qualities that mark the rich texture of the life of the one God who is three."

One of his 10 reasons to focus on the wonder of the Trinity...

"The doctrine of the Trinity...provides one of the most important and neglected patterns for how human life and human relationships are to be conducted."

The book is very readable for such a complex topic. It is full of Scriptures. It is very practical. You may not believe the first and third thing I write but check it out. It is only 6 chapters and 158 pages. The layout is very systematic and logical. It is inexpensive.

Father, Son, & Holy Spirit: Relationships, Roles, & Relevance
Bruce A. Ware
Crossway Books


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