Critics can be Best Teachers
Nobody likes a critic unless it is a movie critic. But as soon as someone points out flaws in my life, I am likely to get edgy and defensive. The following links are critical of churches of Christ, even referring to us as a denomination and/or cult. Don't get defensive. Don't jump to pat responses and cliches. Consider what they say. Some of the sites have a gentler tone and kinder perspective than others. Some are "working from the inside" to teach and correct, while others may just be bashing. We all need to study and consider what is said. Critics, even if they are biased against, might see our blind spots.
Is the Church of Christ a Cult?
Ex-Church of Christ Support Group
Free to Love Ministries
I don't agree with all that is presented on these pages, but we can learn from all of it, whether it is accurate or only a misperception. Let me conclude with one of my favorite quotes, "I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me." (Dudley Field Malone)
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