Monday, November 06, 2006

Politics, part 4: Pre-Election Day Thoughts

Whether you vote or not tomorrow, I hope you pray (and consider fasting) for whomever wins.

If you don't know what to pray for concerning our leaders, Paul says it to Timothy in 1 Timothy 2:2, "for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

"Hot Topics! Get your hot topics right heeyah!"

Death Penalty: I hope no Christians are rejoicing at the pending death of Saddam Hussein. We should weep for the evil he has committed and for his soul. God has said over and over that whomever takes innocent life must be put to death. He told Noah and his family in the days of the Patriarchs (Gen 9:4-6). It was a part of the Law of Moses (right after the place where He says, "Thou shalt not kill", keep reading people; it's called context--Exodus 21:12ff). And even the Apostle Paul said that the goverment has the job of punishing evildoers (Romans 13:1-5), and that governments "don't bear the sword for nothing". Surely, he means they will use the sword to spank the evildoers. Apparently, Paul wasn't on board with Jesus.

Abortion: I was wondering today about those who support abortion rights as a form of birth control. If someone who is for abortion for others and herself, would she grieve over a miscarriage. I have known many women whose pregnancy didn't go to term. They grieve. If your view is, "it's not really, or not yet human life" how does that affect the loss? Or is the only difference that one is wanted, and the other isn't. I bet they would grieve anyway, in spite of their views.

Homosexuality: I must confess and repent because I watched some of the American Dad cartoon last night out of curiosity. It is a miserable, ungodly cartoon that I don't recommend. You teens probably love it. Be careful. The dad is a bigoted Republican, but last night his eyes were open to the fact that Homosexuality is not a choice (because he wanted to be gay, and realized "you can't choose to be gay or not be gay"). And he decided he could like gays as long as they were Republican gays. He gave a heartfelt speach to the RNC about his experience and all the Repubs were amazed to learn that homosexuality is not a choice. Sad. Some of the trash on TV is just trying to entertain and get a laugh. Others obviously have an agenda and are indoctrinating our kids with funny cartoons.

With any addiction, we give up choice along the way. Many who are proud, selfish, or jealous might feel like and think, "this is just the way I am and I can't change." I believe that without the power of God and His Spirit, it's true, we can't change, overcome, or defeat any addiction. Sin is addictive. It ruins even our Free-Will at some point, if we allow it to.

You don't tell an alcoholic, heroin addict, or a homosexual, "it's choice, your are free to change, just get over it." They need a lot more than that, including realizing what they are doing is wrong. The question is not, "is homosexuality a choice or not?" but "is it right or wrong?" And with any sin, there must be confession, repentance, and a reliance on the Holy Spirit to overcome the temptation.

I will shut up now. I have said too much. But I felt the need to say it. Keep in mind that the other political party is not the problem. Satan is. Homosexuals and Pro-abortion folks are not our problem. The Devil is. Iraq and Iran are not the problem. Our problem is sin. Our enemy is not flesh and blood but the "rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."


At 11:51 AM, Blogger Laymond said...

Brian you asked me to read your blog to better understand where you stand, I have read some of your beliefs and still do not understand where you stand. the reason I answered yout comment the way I did is your blog. I can only come to the decison that you stand with one foot in the old covenant and the other in the new, not fully in either. bless you

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Brian Nicklaus said...

I don't have a lot to say concerning the specific issue because I am chewing on things and realize I am in the minority. It is perhaps a matter of opinion and conscience.

even though I am in a relationship with God through the New covenant of Jesus, I can't throw out the OT writings and all the things that God has revealed about himself.

A lot has changed, but God has not.
He was a God of grace and love from the beginning, even when he instituted the death penalty (before the law even). He cares more about human life than we do when we do not punish murderers.

I believe He has given that responsibility to governments just as He has given the ministry of reconciliation and mercy to the church.


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